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Staff Picks: Carpenter Brut - Leather Terror

For fans of: Synth Driven Heaviness

What they're saying: Here’s Nick Ruskell at Kerrang! on the group’s unique approach to heaviness: Leather Terror is an album of pure, devilish joy from an artist who completely understands what they're doing. It's not metal, but it is.” Stephen Hill at the Louder blog found this evocative comparison to describe Carpenter Brut: “First track proper, Straight Outta Hell, sounds like the Tron soundtrack raised on a diet of Slayer” And Distorted Sound’s Will Marshall gives this synopsis of Leather Terror: “The biggest strength though, is not just this darker tone or the excellent songwriting; it’s that for all the darkness and sleaze, CARPENTER BRUT also understands one thing incredibly well and that’s how to make synthwave gloriously schlocky fun.”

What we say: French synth dude's love letter to 80's horror movies with a metallic industrial vibe & a bunch of feats.