Charts Recap for May 30th - June 6th, 2022

We’ve got up our first top-ten best-seller chart for June 2022! HARRY STYLES is keeping up his streak as Sonic Boom’s top seller. Harry’s House has been solid at the number-one spot for three straight weeks now. In some charts serendipity, this week Harry also unveiled his tribute cover of the band sitting right behind him in the charts, doing a version of Wet Leg’s ‘Wet Dream’ live on the BBC. Check it out!

This week sees a good chunk of new-arrivals appearing deeper in our top-ten as well, including the debut LP from Chicago trio HORSEGIRL at number nine. Versions of Modern Performance is the title, and it’s a thrilling throwback to the guitar heavy indie-rock of the nineties. The youthful group might be referencing sounds from records older than they are, but they do them justice! Give a listen.

Speaking of throwbacks, this week also saw yet another surge in interest in KATE BUSH! This week her 1985 masterpiece Hounds Of Love moved back up into our charts at number seven, surely partially fueled by the placement of ‘Running Up That Hill’ in hit Netflix show Stranger Things. Sorry, original cassette versions unavailable.