Charts Recap for December 13th - 19th, 2021

We’ve refreshed our weekly best-sellers top-ten for the week! With our Christmas rush in full swing our charts are loaded with the year’s big records and reissues and might just contain some gift spoilers! ADELE is back in the number-one spot with 30, and we’re sure plenty of folks will find a copy from Sonic Boom under their tree this weekend! The UK singer is a true superstar, and 30 hasn’t left our charts since its release.

Nothing else is new to our charts this week, though the Cowboy Bebop O.S.T. and Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers both return after long absences. As we mentioned, we are in the heart of our holiday rush, so if you’re looking for something specific from the shop this week feel free to call ahead and check if its in! AND we must mention a SONIC BOOM GIFT CERTIFICATE is always a crowd pleaser of a gift and easy to order last minute right here!