Sonic Boom Records

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Staff Picks: Valium Aggelein - Black Moon

For fans of: Late 20th Century Kosmisch

What they're saying: Though conceived as a Duster side-project, Valium Aggelium’s work is more than worthwhile, an review from Tom Sendra compares the tow projects as such: “ Both bands stretched out indie rock tropes until they were elongated explorations into simplicity, repetition, and space that carried a surprising amount of emotional weight. Here, though, the trio weren't as interested in writing songs as they were in making sounds, largely improvising the music and letting the voices appear sparingly if at all.” And more high praise from AM Schwartzman at Early Worm: “This collection produces emotional tide pools, constantly ebbing and flowing through cycles of affecting instrumental melodies and swelling electronic fuzz that hugs like an opiate blanket.”

What we say: Great spaced-out listen. Walks a fine line between psyched-out improv and stately slow-core. Perfect companion piece to the more straight-forward Duster records (Stratosphere).